Oct 10, 2010

Nevada State Museum, Springs Preserve, Las Vegas

I just did some repair work at the Nevada State Museum at Springs Preserve, in Las Vegas. This Project was created by the artists at LifeFormations (including myself), 4 years ago, and just needed a little TLC after some rough handling during a few field trips.

I sculpted the lady at the top, Helen Stewart, who by the way was a very independent and wealthy land owner in the area at the turn of the century. She is riding the train, during her trip to the land auction in Las Vegas, 1905.

Springs Preserve, Las Vegas

Click image to enlarge

Cuba Libre

This summer, we completed the Cuba Libre restaurant in Washington, DC. The project was designed by Artisan Studio, Columbia, Tn. The work was done by artists from Tennessee, Florida and Ohio.

After many months of research, the pieces were created at Artisan, where I painted them to look like authentic buildings in Havana. Four of us did the on-site work, installing finishing the pieces that were made in Tennessee, and faux painting all of the walls in the restaurant to complete the building facades we created.

The photos below are of the site in progress. I had to leave this one before it was finished, to come home and work on other things.